Ask Carl: Seed Treatment

Q. Should I use seed treatments on my soybeans?
A. YES!!! But the real question is: “When should I use seed treatments on my soybeans?” Answer: When you plant them!
We’ve been talking about this question for more than 20 years, but the test results are clear. You nearly always see an advantage in stand establishment with a seed treatment. And sometimes that translates into a yield improvement. We can attest to that in the Ole and Sven research plots on our own farm. Over the past few years, treated soybeans in these plots have consistently yielded 1.5 bushels higher than non-treated beans.
But, if seed treatments do not always translate to yield improvement, why do I recommend them? With today’s prices, the amount of yield increase needed to cover the cost of the treatment is much less than the average increase in yield, even considering that you may not see a yield improvement.
An important point to remember is that most yield trials are conducted under favorable conditions. You wouldn’t run a yield trial in that wet spot on the corner of your worst field, but that is where you would likely see the most dramatic results. In addition, planting rates have decreased significantly over the past few years. This will increase the percentage of time that a seed treatment will show yield results because the loss of a few plants at emergence will have a more significant effect on yield.
On my farm with its heavy, wet (gumbo) ground, we’re planning to use a product with excellent phytophthora control this spring. Each area has different seed treatment needs. Talk to your local retailer to find the product that will work best for your farm.
Would I risk reducing this year’s soybean crop to save a few dollars per acre on seed treatment? Not a chance! Seed treatment offers peace of mind in knowing that I’m doing all I can to give the soybean crop its healthiest start possible. What will you do this spring?
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