How Does LibertyLink Measure Up?

As the largest LibertyLink soybean supplier in the region, Peterson Farms Seed has more experience testing and growing LibertyLink than everyone else combined. We tested the very first LibertyLink varieties when they were first introduced in 2006-and we’ve been testing and growing them ever since.
You can trust that experience when we say our LibertyLink varieties yield comparable to Roundup Ready.
Farmers can count on our testing experience. Farmers can count on our product selection experience. And farmers can count on the fact that we’ve been working with this system longer than anyone else around.
Learn more about LibertyLink and download replicated yield data for our product lineup at
Still wondering about LibertyLink yields? Check out these 5-bean pods!
This photo was taken near Prosper, ND, in a field of L11-13N LibertyLink beans. The photo at the beginning of this article was submitted by a grower in northern South Dakota.