New Tools Make Nitrogen Management Possible

Many of you know that we actually have a farm here at Peterson Farms Seed. Carl’s grandfather started farming here in 1918 and his dad followed in the 1940’s. We call it Carl’s Farm, and it is where we get to test new technologies on an actual farm.
Previous to this year, the nitrogen management plan for Carl’s Farm included soil testing each fall, applying 100% of our N needs pre-plant (either in the fall or spring), and hoping the N would still be available after being vulnerable to leaching and denitrifying during wet springs and summer rain storms. If we thought we needed a little more nitrogen, we used a coulter rig to sidedress, weather permitting.
Doesn’t sound very effective, does it? And it certainly doesn’t sound very cost-efficient. But, what other choices did we have?
With the evolution of 360 Yield Center, we have completely changed our approach about fertilizer on Carl’s Farm. We’re implementing a two-part plan this year.
Part 1 occurred last fall, when we fertilized for a base rate of 130 bushels per acre of corn instead of shooting for 160-170 bushels per acre. This base application was meant to ensure we had enough fertilizer to get the crop started.
In part 2, we plan to apply additional nitrogen in-season with 360 Y-DROP, which allows a much wider window for application when compared to sidedressing with a coulter rig. In years past, we would have been hesitant to do this because June rains in our part of the world can make sidedressing extremely difficult, if not impossible. With 360 Y-DROP, we can extend the application window out as late as corn tasseling.
This two-part plan is only possible because this year, we’ll have the ability to assess our nitrogen needs as the growing season progresses, using tools from 360 Yield Center. We’ll utilize 360 SOILSCAN to get instant nitrate readings throughout the season, and use 360 COMMANDER to interpret those readings and create fertilizer recommendations. Both of these tools will help us determine the optimal timing and rates for our Y-DROP application.
We think this is a really big deal! For the first time in the history of Carl’s Farm, we’ll be able to know what the plant actually needs to maximize yields. And that will result in more bushels without wasting inputs.
If you’re interested in following our field adventures this summer, be sure to follow this blog. Or give me a call. I’d be happy to talk with you about what we’re learning about more efficient nitrogen utilization.