NOW is the Time to Test for SCN

“Rich on Agronomy” is an occasional agronomy column from Peterson Account Manager Rich Larson.
Did you see any yellowing or unexplained unevenness in plant height in your soybean fields in August and September? If so, it may have been symptoms of Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN), the “hidden yield robber”. Now is the best time to sample and test for SCN.
Fields that show yellowing in August to early September, that is unrelated to maturing leaves, is probably not iron chlorosis. Unevenness of plant height that cannot be attributed to compaction or excessive moisture is also a symptom of SCN.
It is important to test for SCN to find out if it is present. Then you can better manage it for years to come. SCN robs your yield. If you know you have significant levels, keep these levels in check by planting SCN resistant varieties and implementing crop rotation.
If you farm in North Dakota, the ND Soybean Council provides testing kits through county extension offices. Growers can submit up to three sample bags for testing, and the Soybean Council will cover the bill. Contact your county extension agent or crop consultant for more information about SCN testing.
If you have already harvested your beans, it’s not too late to test. Be sure to sample within the root zone, not between the rows. Just like diagnosing a disease, you must first know what you have before you can treat it. Do yourself a big favor this fall and test for SCN.