Soybean Seed Treatments to Protect Your Investment

Yields are heavily influenced by wet weather, which we typically experience in our northern region. Soilborne fungi like Pythium sp. and Phytophthora sp. are present in those wet soils, just waiting to infect seedlings in their vulnerable infancy. Hot and dry conditions can also induce diseases such as Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia sp. and charcoal rot.

Our seed treatment is effective in increasing the germination rate of seed infected with seed decay diseases such as Phomopsis.
Check out our soybean seedling disease series here: Part 1: Phytophthora Part 2: Rhizoctonia, Part 3: Pythium & 4: Fusarium
Adding a seed treatment can be the difference between a seedling making it through the first weeks of its life or dying and losing a good stand establishment in your fields. The cost of a quality seed treatment can easily be outweighed by the increased stand establishment and yield increase in a tough year. Quality seed treatment is great insurance on the investment you make in your crop each year.
We’ve put the work into getting you the best genetics available, so our seed treatment is a great way to protect your investment in the early part of the season. The active ingredients in our seed treatments, Peterson Select & Peterson Select+, are specifically tailored to address the diseases we most commonly battle as well as the optional addition of insecticide for the areas of our footprint that will benefit.
Some great add-on seed treatments are available and there are more coming to the market. Products are available to address other issues like white mold, SDS, IDC, SCN, and other additional biostimulant products to enhance emergence and plant health.
Things to remember when you are considering skipping seed treatment:
- We are increasingly planting into cold and wet soils, putting us at high infection risk.
- Seed treatments are low-cost insurance to cover high-cost inputs.
- Add-ons can address other agronomic issues (White mold, SCN, IDC)
- We would rather see someone drop their planting population to cover the cost of the treatment rather than skip treatment all together. It is that important!
If you’re considering treated soybeans this year or have questions about Peterson Select or Peterson Select+ soybean treatments, give Nolan a call at (701) 282-7476 or email